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    Is This How Whiplash Will Look In 'Iron Man 2'?

    Latino Review has posted what someone is claiming to be the concept art for the character Whiplash, who will be played by Mickey Rourke in the movie "Iron Man 2."

    Says Latin Review's El Mayimbe: "I have no way of confirming it's authenticity so be warned that this could be a fake too! Regardless, I think it's pretty cool and worth posting ... We'll know soon enough if it's legit or what not."

    I agree. It's impossible to tell whether it's legit, but it's definitely worth taking a look at the illustration.

    The jet pack looks clunky, but it also adds a sense of realism to the suit.

    With the way pictures have been trickling in from the set, we should get an actual photo of Rourke in the suit soon enough.

    What many fans are really waiting for, however, is a picture of Scarlett Johansson in the Black Widow getup. Director Jon Favreau already said she has been on the set in the outfit. How long until we all get a peak?

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