Abrams' Ship Is Bigger Than Yours

I really have to be honest. I've never had any experience in the world that is Star Trek, that is up until I saw Abrams version of "Star Trek. Never watched any of the films, never caught a minute of any of the TV shows. I was nervous going in, nervous that I wouldn't be able to enjoy a film which was getting such great buzz because of all the inside knowledge of the Trek universe that I certainly didn't possess. Luckily Abrams held my hand and guided me through allowing me to enjoy the film and not worry about the knowledge I never took the time to acquire. There was action, drama, and humor, everything I love from a tentpole. The film was made for the general public, watching it again on DVD has allowed me to do some digging and boy are there things for "Trekkies" to talk about.
Over at John Eaves' blog, who was a consultant on Abrams' Trek, there has been some good spirited debate regarding the scale of the U.S.S. Enterprise. The "official" number indicating the actual size of the new version of the Enterprise as 2379.75 was presented via the DVD from Alex Jaeger, Visual Effects Art Director for ILM. Apparently fans have been debating the scale of the Enterprise and other scaling issues for many months. You would think the above picture and the commentary on the DVD would help to put out the fire but the new revelation seems to have only fanned the flames as evidenced by the 60+ comments that have followed.
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