'New Moon' To Smoke Competition

Bella, Vampires, and Wolves. Oh my! After all the hype and all the gossip "Twi-Hards" are finally on the brink of witnessing the much anticipated sequel to "Twilight". Theaters across the country are going to be stuffed like turkeys with teenie-boppers drooling over Edward and wishing they were running in Bella's shoes. There is no question that "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" will have a big opening weekend with little to no competition. Sorry "Planet 51", nobody cares about cute little green aliens. We apologize Sandra Bullock, but your faux Southern drawl isn't going to be comforting enough.
It is inevitable that "New Moon" will be compared to the original on every level, such is the case with any sequel. "Twilight" pulled in 191 Million + during it's domestic run and opened up with a 69 Million + take. The sequel is primed for a much bigger opening weekend. I'm predicting a 100-110 million opening weekend which will lead to a 200-210 million domestic take. The only real competition "New Moon" will faces comes in the 3D blueness that is "Avatar" which debuts December 18th. Look for a big opening weekend, a good hold the second week, then a steady drop the following weeks.
Reader Comments (1)
I know this is after the opening numbers have come out so I'm not going to comment on that.
Anyway, I could be wrong but I think you are being way to hard on it's legs. Everybody said that the first one would only double it's opening weekend and it did better than that so...
Anywho I'm going to take a wait and see attitude as far as legs are concerned but I wouldn't be surprised if it had simular legs to the first one.