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    "Crazy Heart" Poster and Trailer

    I've not really enjoyed this years movie offerings, the blockbuster season was one of the worst in living memory and there has been very little in the way of quality since "Star Trek," granted I am gonna have to catch "Moon" and "500 Days of Summer" on DVD, but still, you get my point.

    So we are now heading into the Christmas ether which will bring "Sherlock Holmes" and "Avatar," both of which I will probably see but am not particularly hyped for, so as I prepared to don my warm coat for a movie winter of discontent it was with great susprise and pleasure I was introduced to the movie this article is about "Crazy Heart." a friend of mine put me on to it yesterday when he sent me a link to the poster and then last night the trailer popped up, it was like the first real glimmer of the post Christmas awards season cracking through the dense winter gloom!

    First the synopsis, poster and trailer, then some thoughts:

    Bad Blake (Jeff Bridges) is a broken-down, hard-living country music singer who's had way too many marriages, far too many years on the road and one too many drinks way too many times. And yet, Bad can’t help but reach for salvation with the help of Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a journalist who discovers the real man behind the musician.

    Apparently it is already gaining Oscar buzz, espeically the performance of Bridges, in a role that is garnering comparisons to Mickey Rourke's comeback toure deforce in "The Wrestler."

    The trailer for me was pitch perfect, an understated character drama, beautifully lensed, that runs the gamut of emotions (I am also looking forward to the soundtrack), it's such a refreshing change from the endless stream of huge CGI soaked trailers with MTV music blaring over the top.......Yeah, I'm getting old folks.


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