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    TMT Presents: Five Nights Of Halloween

    This five part series will introduce you to five different horror movies that you have never heard of but are must sees for any horror buff. These films fit into the "So Bad, They're Good" category. Without further ado I introduce you to #5 on our countdown.

    Slaughter High

    "Slaughter High" was shot in England on a miniscule budget and released in 1986. The film's original title was going to be "April Fools Day" but as we know a better and more well known film won that battle. The film deals with your typical nerd who is being bombarded with pranks by your group of typical cool kids, think the characters in "Saved By The Bell" played by really bad British actors with really really bad fake American accents. Well of course said pranks go wrong and not only is Marty thoroughly embarrassed, his face is burned with some well placed acid apparently turning him into a grotesque freak.

    Cut too years later, the cool kids have all moved on never to even think of the glasses wearing geek named Marty until they receive special invitations to return to the scene of the "accident" for a reunion. They all decide to attend the reunion and are confronted with a closed down school awaiting the wrecking ball. Instead of turning back or heading to a local Motel 6, they all decide to break into the school for some sex, drugs, and drunken acts of idiocy. What would a horror film be with out it?

    Once inside the former students reminisce about the "good ole days" and wonder what ever happened to Marty. The group discovers that their lockers are stuffed with their belongings and inevitably are killed off one by one. One of the male characters downs a beer which obviously wasn't really beer at all. Whatever the contents, it is strong enough to cause his stomach to explode. Later, a female character randomly decides to take a bath and instead melts in a tub of acid. To top it off a psycho in a jester mask is stalking the halls finishing off whomever is left with a javelin. We all assume that Marty is the man behind the mask until he awakes from his home in a mental institution and we realize it was all a dream.

    My above description of this film does not do it justice. See below for the trailer and judge for yourself. You can't make this stuff up.



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