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    « "Tomb Raider" Reboot Confirmed! | Main | More Ludlum Spying Headed To The Big Screen »

    Joe 'Narc' Carnahan To Direct The A Team!

    "If you can find them....maybe you can hire, The A Team!" And the the classic theme music kicked in! ahhh memories of a Saturday evening as a child, sure looking back it's the same plot and structure every week, small business is being threatened by big bully buisness, The A Team whoops them in the first meeting, then they lock the A Team in a room that has lots of a tools and an old vehcile they can build into some form of tank to attack the bad guys with, then it would break down to a punch up after all the bulletrs had been fired and no one hit, there would always be one bad guy for each member of the team....rinse and repeat! but man it was FUN as a kid.

    Anyway! enough of my reminiscing, that bastion of cinematic excellence Fox have set a new director to helm the big screen version of the old TV show, John Singleton was on board prior but now it's Joe Carnahan that will take the reins.

    Carnahan has had a rocky road since his breakout movie 'Narc', his follow up 'Smokin Aces', though profitable, was pretty much trashed by critics and in return he spat the dummy, his 3 attempts to get something off the ground since have not materialized.

    This may be a good gig for him if he can work within the severe restrictions Darth Rothman will lay on him, this has 90 minute action movie written all over it and in truth that's fitting for the A Team if they adapt the source instead of trying to make it "deep", if Carnahan can make this into a money winner then he may get his other passion projects going, and I hope that he succeeds b/c Narc showed he clearly has talent.

    The A Team was originally schedueled for a June 2009 release but has now been set for June 11th 2010.

    In the meantime relive the greatness and most importantly the theme!


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