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Movie Moan - Pitch Of Steel (aka we write the new Superman movie on air)

Here it folks; the show you were supposed to get last week. And it's a corker that could shake the foundations of the planet.

This week we turn one of Phil's rants into deed and action for a change. Since we're banging our heads against the wall for Warner Bros. to start multi-tasking and, y'know, actually craft a DC cinematic universe by producing more than one film at a time, we decided to prove that you could still make a traditional Superman sequel for next summer and still have 'Batman Vs. Superman Vs. The World' out for the year after.

Over the course of the next two hours, you will get to hear something seldom done in the movie podcast arena; Phil, Jamie, and special guest Mr Randall Maynard will band together to write a treatment for the Superman sequel we deserve live on air. By the end of the show, we will have battled through the rewrites, studio notes and toy deals and come up with something we can all agree would be a solid next step in the new Superman's cinematic adventures.

Feel free to dream of the movie we have made (since it will never be) or curse our names and pitch us something better in the comments section. Either way, tell us what you think.  Enjoy!

Play the podcast via Soundcloud or download the MP3 version right here:

Reader Comments (3)

Interesting pitch Phil. The sticking point - since MOS glossed over it and we have told that the sequel will address it - is how to work around the collateral damage issue from MOS in a stand alone sequel.

Love the idea of Jimmy Olsen taking on the role of everyman as he faces the dilemma of choosing between Lex or Supes. Perfect storytelling device for the viewers and a great use of side character.

One of the set pieces should be a playoff between two things events going on - one on the epic level and another on the personal level - showing Supes using his wits and strength simultaneously to solve both of them.

Hello! Just wanted to say I've been a regular listener since I heard your Superman Returns Retrospective on Youtube last year. I rarely comment as I usually have little if anything to add. I was really saddened when I heard awhile ago you were ending the podcast and hope you'll return next year as planned. I know you said you felt your podcast wasn't unique but I would strongly disagree with that statement. Some of the other podcasts on media I've heard have people who aren't as knowledgeable and funny as you guys are and frankly when compared to some of the raging egos on other podcasts, I find your down-to-earth-ness refreshing. The way you guys can make 2-3 hours go by just by conversation on films... I find it fascinating and entertaining.

Anyhow, I wanted to ask, is the site still going to stay up after you stop making new shows? I had planned on checking out your older shows to get my Movie Moan fix until the new shows. I didn't even know you had done podcasts on every Bond film? Freaking fantastic and I can't wait to dig through the archives to find those. Please let me know. Thanks guys, especially you Phil. You're the man!

02-15-2014 | Unregistered CommenterMediaGold


Oh yes, the site goes on without me because I don't own it. I'm just a contributor. So the shows will still be here in audio form. We have lots of things we're planning to do over the next year. This is just the end of the weekly podcast for a long spell.

Thank you for your comments. It means a lot.

02-16-2014 | Unregistered CommenterPhil Gee

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