Movie Moan - New Year Clusterfuck
Hi everyone! Please accept my sincere apologies for any unnecessary delay in the return of the Movie Moan podcast. Rest assured, we are now full steam ahead bringing you a new show every week throughout 2013.
But we've still got a mountain of 2012 Christmas releases that we need to say our piece on, and take a last chance to reflect on the year as a whole. Plus, there's the unfinished business of a certain 80's cult movie we've been meaning to review. So join Jamie, Hocken & Phil for an uncut 150 minutes of...
2:45 mins - New Year hugs all around as the friends for eternity discuss loyalty, honesty and sticking together through thick and thin.
10 mins - Capt. Hocken and Phil review 'Gangster Squad' and you are invited to take a shot of liquor every time we mention a moment you've seen in another film.
28:30 mins - Jaaaaaaaaack Reacher, WAH WAH WAAAAAAAAH!
37:20 mins - Jamie uses that pesky thing called logic to tell us why, boringly and predictably, 'Lincoln' will sweep the Oscars this year.
47:50 mins - Hocken and Phil retort with why 'Zero Dark Thirty' should be winning.
65 mins - We each pick our favorite film of 2012.
90:15 mins - We each pick the worst film of 2012 (from people that luckily didn't see that many).
99 mins - We each pick the most disappointing film of 2012 (Jamie didn't pick Avengers, Spider-man or Hobbit so feel free to listen).
112:50 mins - We each pick the most surprising film of 2012 and are pretty much united in our opinion.
126:26 mins - Hocken and Phil try to decode the entity that calls itself 'Miami Connection' (I'd call it a movie but that would imply it has structure and plot).
Download the audio only MP3 version right here:
Reader Comments (5)
Glad I stayed through the end of the credits! I look forward to the Superman retrospective!
It's going to be something special, just for you Kal-El Fan. I promise.
Great to hear you back again guys.
Prometheus was the biggest disappointment for me. It was even less coherent than I feared.
Spidey is in my top 10.
DREDD was my biggest surprise too.
Looking forward to the Supe stuff and can't wait to hear your adventures when you guys hook up.
I'm back but part-time only I'm afraid.
I fucking love Django Unchained. It was almost my #1 pick of 2012. Will you guys do a full review of the movie next week?
Favorite film of 2012: The Dark Knight Rises
Worst film of 2012: Project X
Most disappointing of 2012: The Master
Most surprising of 2012: Men in Black 3
Looking forward to Jamie and Phil's first offical meeting in the flesh. Which btw I suggested to Phil for Jamie to reveal his true from. :)
You won't just get to hear our adventures. You'll get to see them. Maybe even in 3D.
I think Jamie and Ed's 20 mins on Django will more than suffice sir. We have to move on to some 2013 movies now.