Movie Moan: Now With a New Hat!

Yep, another Simpsons reference. But to be fair, you would expect nothing less from us on the Movie Moan podcast!
This week, Lou offers a Memo to M. Night Shyamalan, Phil crucifies Sylvester Stallone for The Expendables and the gang tackles Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Their thoughts on the film itself, how the Internet once again over-hyped a movie as "the next big thing" only to have to bomb in front of their faces and what’s next for Edgar Wright.
A couple of brief discussions follow on the Star Wars trilogies hitting Blu-Ray in Fall of 2011 (the Hell?!), why Phil won’t waste his money on them and Disney announcing a June 8, 2012 release on John Carter of Mars. This week's debate comes courtesy of Lou: what films are commercially viable in this day and age?
Reader Comments (9)
I think Lou hit the nail in the head in terms of distribution. Television budgets are getting larger. TV's are getting bigger, sharper, and cheaper. Digital distribution is becoming extremely convenient.
Theaters, on the other hand, have been going in the opposite direction. Your typical cinema has turned into McDonalds, where theaters are tiny, ushers are nonexistent, and projectionists are minimum wage dropouts. There is 3D, but if Hollywood continues to shoot themselves in the foot with conversions like "Clash of the Titans" and "The Last Airbender" audiences will (hopefully) start to wise up and stop paying for that too. People only go to the movies for huge budget blockbusters now, because that is the only time they feel they are getting their moneys worth.
I think eventually studios are going to hit that ceiling that Phil talked about. Unless film companies find a way to control their massive overspending on films, and theaters become more like the Alamo Drafthouse, things are going to start looking bleak.
Damn, Phil LOL
The Expendables... yeah, I know it's a bit crap, but I thought this was more entertaining than The A Team and Knight and Day. Watching the film from the perspective of what it set out to do, it is a failure. The Bruce and Arnie scene was a big tease (though THAT LINE not only got a big laugh in the cinema I was at, but one person even clapped!), the action scenes weren't that good, with too much skaky-cam, too many close-up and sometimes badly lit. (that car chase was particularly bad) and I felt really uncomfortable with how they treated Jet Li's character (maybe they offered that part to Van Damme?)... buuuut...
it's probably the only film I've seen this summer that I would call a genuine popcorn flick (Inception is great, but it isn't a popcorn movie)...
maybe it's because I saw it at a packed-out house (Knight and Day in the same cinema, same time, the week before, was only half-full), who seemed to be in on how cheesy the whole film was and laughed at most of the death scenes (Sly used the bullshit "we couldn't afford CGI" lie for Rambo IV, so I wasn't surprised he used the same trick for this).
Maybe I've become numb to they way action movies are now?
Maybe Sly listens too much to his fan's wishes?
Probably both of those are true. 6/10 fun while it lasted, but I probably won't buy the Blu-Ray.
Despite the good reviews its getting, I can't pump myself up to get excited to see Scott Pilgrim. It looks way too self-conciously hip for liking (then again, I suspected the same from Inglourious Basterds and Kick-Ass and I ended up throughly enjoying), I guess I'd rather go see something obviously naff like The Expendables?
Star Wars Blu-Ray? I still haven't forgiven Georgy Porgy for releasing the originals on DVD, just three weeks after I decided to cave in and buy the Special Editions for £20 at HMV... sans extras! FUCKING PRICK!!! Not even his gradual release of the Howard the Duck DVD could make it up to me (sad, but I'm being serious, here).
As for the state of films... I maybe a tad optimistic, but I think things are gonna get more adventerous in 2-3 years. The only "sure thing" this summer that did great business was Toy Story 3 ; Knight and Day, The A Team, Robin Hood and even (to a lesser extent, atleast) Iron Man II made a lot less than they would've done 5/10 years ago. We're still yet to see how well Captain America and Thor are gonna do (I didn't mention M:I IV, because I'm not convinced it will get made).
Great show one again, guys
P.S I'm really digging the debates, but are you guys still taking suggestions for "Moaning about a Movie"? I could make some, if you like.
I meant some suggestions in that last sentence.
To be honest this was a pretty boring podcast. That's because there wasn't any movie news.
I saw the last episode of At The Movies it was so sad to see it end. :(
Even though The Village sucked it was Lady in the Water where Shyamalan lost it. I have lost all faith on him especially after seeing The Happening.
I saw the Return of the Jedi deleted scene and I thought the same thing you did Jamie. So what? I loved the movie btw.
I would argue that Sham-Hammer lost it in the last 15 minutes of Signs.
It's actually the exact opposite for myself. Unless its a sure thing like a Pixar film, I'm always weary of going to the theatre just to see one blockbuster film because the chances of me feeling depressed and robbed afterwards are more than 50% (just take the last two weeks with 'Knight and Day' and 'The Expendables'). If I'm going to the theatre then I try to make sure I'm going to see something I know to be good on the same day, even if that means a repeat viewing of a film. Also, I find that the smaller releases with good buzz or the oscar contenders always seem to be released in a big bunch together in the same month or two. This way I get to see two awesome films on the same day. I make it a real day's worth of entertainment and it works for me. January seems to be the consistently best month of my film calendar each year.
You've broken my heart. We never want to be boring. We try so hard. We'll do better next week I promise. We'll make some news up :)
I had a feeling you would like 'The Expendables' sir and I think a fair few people are not bothered by the cast and are quite content to enjoy it for what it is. I just found nothing to enjoy. It was an entertainment-free zone. We may do more 'Moanings' eventually. We've got a list of films we picked to talk about. It just depends on there being no movie news to talk about. The last few weeks have been pretty dead.
I'm actually the same way Phil, and the Oscar season towards the end of the year is my favorite time to go to the movies. I was talking more in terms of the general audience, and not film buffs like us who are in love with the cinema experience and actively follow film buzz.
I just feel with the crappy state of theaters, lots of film goers want more for their money. For your average movie patron, seeing the latest Coen Brothers film on home video as opposed to their overpriced multiplex is probably preferable. Yet with shit like "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", they can at least see their 10 dollars on the screen.
I must apologize for the amount of typos in that rather long, initial post. I was tired, when I posted it. It won't happen again... I hope...
Oh Phil I didn't mean to offend you I can't blame you guys. It was the lack of movie news that's all. I hope there is alot of movie news this week.