Movie Moan 2015: Episode 18 - The Last One......Honestly!

It's our last show..........for realz this time!
And what a final note to bow out on. The 32 year wait for the sequel to 'Return Of The Jedi' is over's a pretty good film at that. It's best that we get out of the game before Star Wars becomes uncool again. So join Phil Gee, Jamie Williams, Spencer Perry, Matt Thompson & Randall Maynard for one last ride as we:
11:30 - We go into FULL SPOILER mode as we review 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'.
1:31:35 - Our predictions for 'Episode 8: Say Something Luke'
1:41:38 - How Do You Market 'Rogue One'?
1:57:00 - Our thoughts on the slew of Christmas trailers including 'Captain America: Civil War', 'Star Trek Beyond', and X-Men: Apocalypse'.
2:27:49 - Some final parting words from a couple of grumpy old men.
As ever, thank you for your support and God bless.
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