Despite the best efforts from the creative team of the regular Batman title, the big reveal of the Joker in the new 52 has been spoiled by DC itself. Yesterday saw the release of November solicitations for DC Comics and on the cover of Batman #14 is an image of the Joker from behind, teasing what awaits inside the issue.
That cover wasn't the problem though. Further down the list was Batgirl #14 with art from Ed Benes. It showed the Joker's full appearance from the front as he stands over a defeated Batgirl. This seemed to really upset regular Batman artist Greg Capullo and below are some of his comments on the spoiler DC:
As careful as I’ve been to save revealing our new Joker, the powers that be have let it out ahead if our book. Stay tuned fir MY pics. In my younger days, I’d have punched several holes in the walls of my office by now. Rest assured, I will give you terror when I draw him.
I'm sure some of his bosses saw this and asked him to retract or amend certain feelings about what had transpired and he later released the following comment:
The more I’ve thought about the Joker leak, the more I began thinking that it may have been for the best. The fact is, the way Scott [Snyder] and I will give you the Joker may have been too much for some with out this diluted sample hitting the web. DC, rightly so, had concerns about our images and story. Perhaps they leaked this intentionally to test the waters or to acclimate your minds to what is coming from us. Team Batman knows how to do one thing. Destroy. So, even if you do see the leak, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Trust me. I’m still not going to reveal my sketches. I won’t let this incident blow the whole works. Be patient. Terror is heading your way.
Take that for what you will. I don't think it's much of a problem either way as the new look is pretty recognizable and there isn't much to spoil from the images we've seen so far. I can understand Capullo's anger though as he and writer Scott Snyder were trying to leave a big surprise for their readers when the book came out.
This may even help boost sales when November comes as everyone will now be clamoring to have the first appearance of the Joker in the relaunch. It will be interesting to see how similar this version is from the one we are all familiar with. I've left the full image of the Joker at the bottom here for anyone that wants to wait until the issue is released.