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    First Trailer "Green Hornet"

    The first actual trailer for Sony's Green Hornet Starring Seth Rogen is finally online. You can watch below.

    I can't say it looks all that much better than the 60's TV show it's based on, but it does look better than I expected.

    The plot as described by Seth Rogen himself is as follows:

    To explain it, I guess, briefly, I'm an irresponsible kind of idiot (as one might imagine) and my father dies and I form a friendship with someone else who did not have the highest opinion towards him. One of his employees, Kato. Through that friendship, we realize that maybe we can create this kind of thing that will help us both live out our dreams. In time, we realize that each other's personalities are the most difficult thing to overcome and try to form this thing. That's how the story goes.


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