TMT's Movie Moan: Episode 2
Sun, January 25, 2009
My pleasure to once again introduce Movie Moan on TMT featuring creator Phil Gee and the TMT co-owner Jamie Williams.
My pleasure to once again introduce Movie Moan on TMT featuring creator Phil Gee and the TMT co-owner Jamie Williams.
Reader Comments (1)
I take some objection here; be thankful my good fellows that MM isn't on NowLive because if it was I would hgave something to debate you about.
* Eight noms for The Dark Knight is not a slam. You and Jamie also make it sound like those tech awards (including Cinematography- Wally Pfister was previously nomd for Batman Begins) aren't a big deal. Would I have liked it over The Reader? (more on that in a second) Yes. Do I think it would have made the cut? No. I believe it would have gone to Doubt or Revolutionary Road. Heck, maybe even In Bruges (which I hope takes a script award)
*I agree with Jamie on Heath not being a "lock". I also think Brolin will pull an upset- and my second choice is Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder. I also am one who thinks as far as supporting roles in Dark Knight goes, Heath was great...but Aaron Eckhart was better.
*About The Reader. I couldn't figure this out until a few days ago when it dawned on me. It's nom'd for best picture out of respect for Sydney Pollack and Anthony MingellaIs that a horrid thought? Un PC? Damn straight. And I bet you 100% correct. Someone might dedicate an award to Heath, but I betcha someone, maybe the Best Pic winners will do the same to the two Reader producers, both of whom have passed on.
*WALL E is also nominated for best original script.